Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Self Control

Enough is enough! I have determined that the time has come, I need intervention. Things have gotten out of control and I need help. So, yesterday I called my local cable company, and .... cancelled my service! That's right! I will no longer have 251+ channels of endless, minddumbing entertainment. I will now have only 12. Ok, so I couldn't bring myself to cut off the TV 100%, but I'm down to a 96% reduction. I think that it notable. After watching shows like "Mr. Personality", reruns of "Cheers", and "South Park", I reliezed how much time I am really wasting. Let's recap:

Sunday: Back from the airport 10:30, cleaned up room a bit, then watched TV til 1am!!!!!!!
Monday: Return home at 9:30, from the driving range. watched TV til 1:30am!!!!!
Tuesday: not to bad of a night, only 1 hour of TV.

Total for week: 2.5+4+1 = 7.5hrs! Full day of work!