Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Learning to write

I must thank three people:

Miguel, for encouraging me to have a weblog
Amy Bueche: Buying me my first journal, which I am finally starting to use. It's a great thing to have
Mom: For reminding me that I need to work on my grammer..... ha ha ha... . Thank you for always helping me in my writing.

I've been doing a lot of writing and reading lately. It's a great way to relax and reflect. I just really wish my patio had furniture and more sunlight. I usually go to Borders to read and write, I like the hustle of people around me. Actually, I really like to go to Borders because one of the girls who works thier is cute and gives me smiles. Ya ya ya, would I ever make a move.... No, but they have good coffee 1.65 for a mug and a refill... not to shaby, also a limitless supply of fashion magizines. I am strategically planning how much more to plunge into debt by buying clothes.... RACK EM UP!! The only probelm I am having with reading is that I read to many books at once. There are to many good books out there and a lot more bad ones.... Miguel help!!! You always know what to read.

Picture above are from Friday night at Tania's house. We had some great homecooked Asian food. I made Kal Bee, it turned out pretty good this time. Marc and Michelle made Dumpling which were excellent. Michelle also prepared some great soups and side dishes, that I can't remember the names... sorry. I do remember driking red wine, a few beers and doing some Salsa dancing!!!