Friday, June 17, 2005

Coming and going

Marc is coming into town tonight, again, and not for the last time. He and Tania are gettting married in a few weeks and then both of them are localizing in Wilmington. Amazing how things have been changing ... I mean ... relationship wise.

Brett and Katie get married
Sara and Houman - get married
Marc and Tania get engaged ... will be married soon.
Angie and Bruce - get engaged ... and are now married
Robert and Riza - recently engaged
Josh and Sara - getting married soon.

Everybody is getting married and buying houses! Life is really moving by fast. But to give a little ease to my rents who are becoming a bit anxious on these things ... .many of my friends listed above are 29+ yrs old ... so .. there is time.

As far as coming and going. That is what life feels like to me. I feel like poeple are coming and going ... into and out of mylife faster then I can ever remember. I've moved ... friends have moved ... come and gone. It's getting hard to remember where everyone is ... and even more difficult to visit everyone. So to all my friends who I haven't called recently ... I apologize ... I want to visit .. it'll just take some time.

Well, tonight the guys and later ... the girls ... we are all going to head out to philly to celebrate many of changes. All for the GOOD! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Il Postino

I just finished watching the movie "Il Postino" which I highly recommend. It's an Italian film, comedy, about a simple fisherman who becomes a postman and develops a srong friendship with Pablo Neruda. Great movie for one of those slow, looking for a funny/sad movie ... helps wrap up the end of the night. As I finished the movie, I felt in the mood to write. So here I am, with a glass of my new favorite winery wine "Chad's Ford" and blogger.

A lot has happened these past two months. First off, really good news. Saloumeh got a job as a research associate in Newark, DE at a pharm. company. So she's working in Delaware while looking for an apartment and getting settled. Second, I got a chance to see Kevin James (King of Queens)! Saloumeh suprised me with tickets to his show! We laughed our a's off! It was great!

Any who. Working life at DuPont has been ok. I'm kinda of trying to get into my grove. It has almost been two months now, I am staring to figure out my new job. I'm looking forward to being in this job longer then my last. I need some time to get comforable and get some solid results.

I must say tho ... that time is really flying by. In almost 3 wks we'll be in Mexico witnessing Marc and Tania marry. 3 wks after that Josh and Sarah (Friends from DuPont) get married also. It seems like everyone one that I know out here is either getting married or buying a house. So different! Anywho, here are some recent pics. Hope you enjoy.

Pumpkin sleeping in Saloumeh suitcase. He really wants her to stay!

Mona doesn't like that I have AC, she prefers to soak up the heat and sun.

Sara, Houman (Saloumeh's brother inlaw and sister) and us at the famous Geno's!

Domino's in center city Philadelphia