Sunday, October 16, 2005

A weekend to recover

This weekend started off strong, literally. On Friday, I took a half day off from work to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed. So Friday was spent, laying on my couch, droggy from my medications, nice and strong.

Usually the weekends are a good time to relax, unwind and hopefully get through parts of our to do lists. This weekend, was actually a very exciting and fun weekend, especially given the circumtances. First off, I really have to give thanks to Saloumeh for taking care of me. My codine pills were accompanied by delicous soups, stews and tasty snacks. :) Along with the removal of my wisdom teeth, Saloumeh's sister and brother in law came up to visit. They really made for good recovery company ... we played cranium, overate at red lobster and then head to Philly on Sunday for the italian market. A very unique market of spices, breads and cheeses that hang from the cielings larger than most people's head. So enjoy some of the pictures. I promised I'd write more. This wasn't the best post .. but it's a post no les.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Open enrollment is the time of the year that I choose/elect my health insurance coverage for the coming year. This year, I decided to cut back my dental insurance. Ramifications... I had to quickly schedule an appointment to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed. So, here I am, at home with guass in my mouth, hoping for a quick recovery.

So, this weekend as I rest and become limited in the things I can do. I will probably write more. Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sandels, Cd's and an Essay

My three years at Michigan State University had more influence on me than I realized. The fact that I decided to wear sandels today, reminds me of how much of a spartan I really am. Ok, to some of you this probably doesn't make much sense, but to the many of us, who have witnessed the hundreds of guys walking around campus in sandels on a cool or rainy fall/winterish day can give credit to what I'm saying. Why do we, spartan michiganders refuse to dress according to the weather. Today it is raining, it's raining hard, in fact there is a flood watch in effect. But I decided to go out in shorts and sandels ... in a white t-shirt.

I went out to do some shopping ... after a trip to the library, Borders, Bert's (CD Store) and Barnes and Nobles I returned home with an old friend. The Sunday's Static and Silence CD (1997), I use to own it .... and decided to buy it again! I really wanted to listen to it, becuase I heard the song Horses on in the movie "Camp". Even though horses isn't on this CD, it reminded me how much I used to love listening to the Sundays. Now I'm inside (my apartment), with a warm cup of coffee trying to warm up and dry off. I quickly tore of the CD wrapper, struggled a bit with that annoying plastic side piece of tape ... put in the CD. It's funny how music puts me in the mood to write.

So today ... I had two items on my list, finish my essay for my Grad School app , and the other was look for houses/condos. I haven't done any of them .. .. ok, well I really want to finish at least one ... so I am going to write my essay..

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Kicking it around ...

When I was in high school I was the biggest procrastinated, mom and my brothers should definitely be able to attest to this. In college, I would like to believe, that I changed this and actually became a very organized, studies and action oriented person. Lately I feel like I have lost that and I find myself listening to my inner procrastinated voice ... More and more, the voice of .... "You can put that off" or "just get up early tomorrow and finish it". I have no idea when this happened or why it is happening, but as my list of to-do items grows and my will to get things done weakens ... I frankly am becoming concerned. So I decided to list a few items that I will hold myself too ... a list of to-do's put on public display ... to help motivate:

1) Finish / begin .. lol , studying for the GMAT
2) Complete my University of Delaware Application
3) Read all the chronicles of Narnia, again
4) Organize my den/office prior

Ok, it's a small and modest list, but at least it's a start. I'm going to stop kicking them around and just do them. Data of completion, last day of November. I think that would be deserving of an extra piece of turkey skin at Thanksgiving dinner. Browsing through old pictures I ran into this one. Below is a picture of my last exam from Michigan State. Maybe seeing this will put me back in the academic mind and motivate me to study.