Saturday, January 28, 2006

You can't do that!

That is something that I never heard come out of my mother's mouth. Maybe the occasional, "Oh, I don't know about that", but for the most part .. everything for a centellas is possible. That's why, on another birthday for my mom, she still remains one of the most capable people I know. Although these past years have had it's challenges and difficulties, she still always pushes through. In fact, the mother I'm talking about is the one who went back to school to get her master's while at the same time battling cancer, not to mention raising a family. So, when people say, "You can't do that", I always laugh inside and say why not, my mom did. So on this birthday to you mom, many happy thoughts and hope that all your wishes come true ;)

Last night I though a lot about Saginaw, MI and how this might be all of our last Birthday's & Holiday's at the good ole Curwood middle class mansion in Michigan's wintery wonderland.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Waiting for something

Initially I was waiting to blog, waiting for something big to happen. But as the days went on, and as my internet access diwindled, big events passed and no post were published. My apologies to Sam who came and visited and I wrote nothing. My apologies to my family, whom I visited and posted nothing. But, here I am, finally writing not becuase of a big event, but more becuase things have changed (see below)

That is my first mortgage bill and payment. Yesterday, I sat down at my table, and wrote that check. It's interesting how that made me feel. In practice, it was really the same as writing a rent check, but somehow, after I sealed the envelope and put it in my bag, all the anxiety that I have been feeling went away. Instead, it was replaced with a feeling of accomplishment and relief. It almost made me laugh, writing a check for that much money, should never bring relief!

Anyways, today is the start of new year ... I know I'm a little off from New Year's ... but with a new home and starting school it seems like life is starting to pick up pace, once again.