
Howard Kurtz wrote an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday. It raises the question of why not just leave South Korea to fend for itself. After all, they complain about our military presence and don't want us arguing w/ North Korea, their friendly neighbor.

Which brings up an interesting political solution to many of our international conflicts. Why not just become an isolationist country again? You know, like in the early 1900s. Iraq is a problem? Let the Arabs deal w/ him. Let's pack our military forces out of the Gulf and the entire region and do just what they want us to do — leave them alone. Iraq invades Kuwait? Sorry, that's an Arab issue. No need for American military imperialism. Maybe we should just stick our heads in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Posted by Miguel at 12:56 PM


one word very simply explains our involvement in the middle east...


I think the Korea situation has more to do with who's got the biggest balls (read: nuclear weapons) than anything else. It would have been nice if when the Cold War ended, it would have ended.

I'm sure there's some glint of sarcasm in your last post, so I won't get into the hole that we've dug for ourselves and why it's not just as simple as walking away.

I do agree though, Miguel it would be nice.

We wash our hands of you world.

Posted by: Eric at January 14, 2003 02:01 AM

I think oil has a lot to do w/ your involvement there. Sure. Even if that's the only reason why we should care about Iraq, that'd be enough. Why are other countries allowed to pursue their own interests and we aren't? But I do think there's more to the Iraq situation than just oil.

The things I've read about why the US isn't really going gung ho against N Korea has to do w/ the fact that N Korea is: 1) more predictable (not irrational like Hussein) and 2) not likely to do anything. N Korea got in the habit of crying wolf and making bold threats in order to get some world attention (and economic aid). I think our policy of pretty much ignoring them is a good one.

I don't think the US can or even should disengage itself from world affairs. And I do think that at the end of the day we do much more good than harm. I just wish all the granola-eating naysayers would think about that once in a while. If we did really just walk away from the world, we might not see 2004.

Posted by: Miguel at January 14, 2003 02:01 AM

I like the current `talk loudly and carry a big stick` mentality of the US. I'm hoping that's all that's neccessary in Iraq- most ideal would be that once our troops show up there Saddam will be overrun by his own soldiers. I would like most for us to talk tough- spreading our usually noble ideas- without having to kill lots of innocents who happen to live beneath psychos. Like the people in the article (and eric) say, we are in a bit of whole: if we show any appathy in Asia then China will try something. The same logic follows in the middle east.

Posted by: Bill Brieger at January 14, 2003 02:02 AM