Visitor, 300, poker


Vanessa was in town today. She dropped by The Space while I was working, as did J. Edmund. They brought me a falafel sandwich. It was great, we just hung out and chatted away between customers. We talked, among other things, about our cats. Vanessa used to live in my building and we used to watch each other's cats. Her cat Bugonia recently had a birthday party (complete w/ party hats and all).

I also read something J. Edmund recommended today: Frank Miller's 300. It tells the story of the 300 Spartans who fought for three days to the last man at the Battle of Thermopylae. J. Edmund has really turned me around on comics as a legitimate form of literature. And I'll have to admit that Miller is quite good. I read Matt's copy of Dark Night Returns years ago and was impressed. I dug up an old interview w/ Miller after publishing 300.

Later at night I played poker. I took two pots early in the evening on beautiful straight flushes. Then I got cocky and lost all my money ($5.75). I drank a forty (38oz of cream soda) and gnawed on cheap cigars (pretzel sticks), but was called "fidlin' Nancy boy" because I brought Pecan Sandies to the table. Well, they are delicious.

Posted by Miguel at 01:56 PM