Ah, the single life!


I'm single again ... and I couldn't be happier. I like Liz, but we just weren't compatible in any real sense. And I was a bit put off by the instant clinginess. I really wish dating was more casual, at least for the first several months.

When you think about it, why are relationships so automatic? I really don't get it. You go on a date or two w/ someone and then you're automatically in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. It's utterly depressing. What if you don't really like that person? What if you're not sure? What about casually dating lots of people just to see who you like?

I remember having a conversation w/ my grandparents (the Coates) about this subject. Their generation didn't have the same dating rules my generation does. Most of these, it seems, started w/ our parents' generation (thanks again 60s generation). Back in the 30s and 40s it was socially acceptable to date lots of different people at the same time. The expression "my favorite gal" meant just that, a guy's favorite date.

Now you're trapped into this crazy insta-relationship dating lifestyle. Say you meet a cute girl on Monday and set up a date w/ her for Friday. Then you meet another cute girl on Tuesday. Why can't you set up a date w/ her for Saturday? I mean, you really don't know either of these girls. What if you don't like the Friday girl? Sorry, you missed the boat on Saturday girl.

Bottom line: there's too many cute girls.

Also ... if you've been following FOX's Joe Millionaire, there's a great comment thread posted by Moxie.

Posted by Miguel at 08:28 PM


I know what you mean. It can seem like you're nabbed after one evening alone with someone (and I'm not talking about anything physical occuring). I was in that situation with someone I worked with (years ago)- one time we hung out and then everyone treated me like I was his property. I say- if you want to be high-flying, go right on ahead. Make your intentions clear (as I'm sure you would) and enjoy your renaissance life.

Posted by: Vanessa at January 16, 2003 10:38 PM

I think perhaps in the 30s people weren't making out all the time on their dates and that's why it was more acceptable to date loads of people. I also think that it's really just the mid west that looks down on multiple dating. In California the only people who give me a hard time about it are from the midwest.

Posted by: ali at January 17, 2003 05:35 PM