Put your $ where your mouth is


Blogger Soundbitten has a great suggestion: Donate money to an Iraqi relief organization. I wonder if Jeanine Garofalo donated any money to the Iraqi people she (supposedly) cares so much about. No matter; I made a contribution. Soundbitten recommends UNICEF. If you opposed the war on humanitarian grounds, I challenge you to donate at least $10. If every American who marched protesting the war donated $10, they'd raise $50 million.

Here's a short list of reputable relief organizations:

» Mercy Corps
» Red Cross and Red Crescent
» Doctors Without Borders
» Catholic Relief Services

Though humanitarian aid takes precedence, it's important to support organizations promoting democracy. Such as The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and The Iraq Foundation.

I also expect anti-globalization folks to march demanding complete amnesty of Iraq's international debt. Including its debt to France, Russia, and Germany.

BTW, the US Social Democrats came out supporting the war in January. Their statement is a clear, articulate, left-internationalist rationale for the war against Hussein's regime. Not all the left was blinded by neo-Stalinist ANSWER types.

Posted by Miguel at 01:49 AM


Yep, true!
I saw more muslim agitators near the library today. They were assuring anyone who cared to listen (just me) that a Muslim world would guarantee even distribution of wealth (lot's of good examples of that ALREADY in teh middle east). They also assured me that a Muslim world would be free of "sexual diseases".
They did avoid the topic of cheering Iraqis, though. The last time I heard these guys, they said that the Iraqi people would be cheering the deaths of US soldiers....it seems they were unable to forsee Iraqi children happily rapping along with US GIs.
Well, who knows what teh future might bring?

Posted by: josh at April 12, 2003 02:08 PM

Yes I donated $25 to Oxfam...

Moveon.org (which along with Win without War pushed a campaign to focus on improving the weapons inspections), recently highlighted Oxfam's humanitarian efforts in Iraq. Every peace oriented alias that I am on has had several postings about donating - it is one of the ways that moderate "anti-war" folks are trying to direct constructive energy.


Posted by: Lee at April 12, 2003 02:17 PM

Glad to hear it. I always had more faith in the moderates than in the Garofalos and ANSWER types.

Posted by: miguel at April 12, 2003 02:26 PM

I just went to the Oxfam page and found this on Iraq:

"This is the first water we've had out of this tap in 17 years," said the doctor in Umm Qasr's hospital.

Note that the doctor said seventeen years. That's pre-war. That's pre-sanctions. That's Hussein's regime. Palaces and yachts, but no tap water for a children's hospital.

Posted by: Miguel at April 15, 2003 03:06 AM

Challenge taken ... donated my 25$ to ... UNICEF ... because I believe in their importance ;)

Posted by: Melli at April 18, 2003 11:47 PM

Why should ANYONE Anti-war donate a single penny of their money to help re-build a country that they did not choose to destroy. Furthermore, it is my opinion (to combat the foolish comment made in the opening paragraph) that all people(s) opposed to the war should not have to endure any of the ridiculous tax-hikes coming our way as a result of this ridiculous war. I didn't vote for this war - I'm not paying for it. Humanitarian-issues weren't my reasons against this war. Americans are being lied to - this war was not about "Iraqi Freedom"..that's simple BS the Administration would love for you to embrace (which half of America did, as they were waiting in line at WalMart buying duct-tape and plastic). The truth is, only a handful of people..

Posted by: Carter at April 21, 2003 08:43 AM

Follow Up: Onluy a handful of people know why we went to war with Iraq. The American public may never know. That is the part I oppose. We are but sheep. If they had came out and said "We are in it for the oil"..Great..F 'em..take their oil. They suk anyway. Or if they had said, "We don't like Hussein, we want him out of office"..Great I say. But we are lied to - first its about "Weapons of mass destruction", then all of the sudden it becomes "Operation Iraqi Freedom",then they stuck with that one because most of America (like sheep) went "Yeah, its real awful what that fella's doin to them people over there..praise Bush, Praise His name". BS I say..BS.

Posted by: Carter at April 21, 2003 08:48 AM

To sum it up, Yes I oppose the war, but not for Humanitarian reasons. At times I even hoped for more American casualties - like Vietnam. That way when it was over, the American public could look more closely and begin to ask, "What was this war about"? Only to keep getting half-assed answers, just enough to keep the herd at peace. I guess really what I hate most is politics - a few people in charge of a herd of cattle. When one cow speaks up and questions the leaders,(and this is in a free-cow country mind you)the rest of the herd gets upset, "How dare you" - "How un-cow like"! Rememeber, we are all supposed to be free cows - stop coming down on people who speak out about the war..Its a free society..Right?

Posted by: Carter at April 21, 2003 08:57 AM

Yep, it is a free society. That's why I'm allowed to speak out against any political position I choose to. On my own website. A free society doesn't just mean that YOU get the right to speak. And I don't think people are like cattle. That's not a very democratic or progressive sentiment.

Posted by: miguel at April 21, 2003 05:50 PM