It's not late, it's early


Yeah, I know. I used to update my weblog more frequently than I have the past week or so. And I'd like to say I've been really busy or something. But that's not it. One can always make time. But one can't always make stories. See, nothing really interesting has happened in the last week or so.

Not to sound like I'm bored or sad or anything. I've just been a bit of a homebody the past several days. Sleeping in so late my parents would be devastated. (One day I actually woke up at 8pm.)

I've been doing some boring stuff. Planning my trip to Bolivia mostly. See, as disorganized as I often am, I'm also a bit of an anal retentive type. Those that know me know that I have a "master packing list" I use when I travel. That's right. A list. And, yes, it's itemized. So I've been working on that. A packing list is all nice and dandy for a vacation, a trip, an excursion. But I'll be gone 10 months (or more). That's more like moving. And I can only really take two suitcases and a carry-on. So this is a challenge. How do I fit everything I could potentially need (and not just clothes, mind you) in that much space (not to mention the weight restrictions). So I've been working on my packing list.

Friday I'm leaving on a bus to visit my parents. From there, we're going together to a family wedding. And from there, I'm driving them to the airport. They're going out west on vacation — the Grand Canyon and all that — and then taking a train back. I think it's a great idea.

So my cousin Lisa (well, second cousin actually) is getting married. I think that means that now all my Coates cousins are officially married. That's everyone. Except the three Centellas boys. Huh. I'm really glad we don't get the "so, when are you settling down" speech at family functions. I think everyone knows none of us are in any hurry. I sure as heck am not.

Don't get me wrong, I think marriage is a fine institution. If you find someone you're compatible w/, then by all means, tie the knot. And I'd love to be married someday. Have some kids. Not "little" kids, mind you. I'm not into babies. I'd rather just meet my children at age three (when they can talk and listen to instructions). Too bad that's not really how it works, eh?

So anyhow. I guess I'm just rambling now. It's late. I'm trying to pack for my trip to Saginaw (shudder), make sure my cats get fed while I'm gone, and figure out how I'm gonna wake up in time to make my 11am bus.

Next week, I promise more posts and crazy theories. Also, perhaps, some news from the real world of politics and current events. Also, my adventures in Chicago w/ Corine.

Posted by Miguel at 04:56 AM


I wonder if mom and dad would wish we got married? I never reliezed that all the Coates and many of the centellas cousins are married. It's definetly going to be hard to find someone that can put up with our crazy ideas and opinions!

I was a homebody for a while, it felt good. Sometimes.. well most of the time... I just need to be left alone to gather my thoughts.

Posted by: Andres at June 13, 2003 09:17 AM

A tip for packing is:
Leave the most space for books (my main difficulty when i was researching for my class papers in Germany since few books I needed were in English).
Leave moderate amt of space for gifts and whatnots.
Leave the least space for clothes (u can always get new ones when u're there - hey, good reason to visit the shops).

Posted by: Steph at June 13, 2003 12:53 PM

You can adopt at age 3, no problem.

Posted by: vanessa at June 15, 2003 09:10 AM

maybe adoption is the way for me to go, eh? but i'm also intrigued about passing on my genetic material. increase the centellas clan and all that. oh, well. we'll see. my parents say i'll change my mind about babies when i see my own.

Posted by: miguel at June 15, 2003 11:11 AM

see. maybe sebastian isn't like other kids, but he's always been good as far as listening and talking forever... he's an awesome kid but then again i am his mother so...
it's crazy how you are leaving for such a long period of time. wow.

Posted by: beth at June 16, 2003 10:27 PM

oh, yeah, sebastian is great. and i don't mind young kids. i just don't like babies. they're all wrinkled and they cry and poop all the time. that's my problem, i guess. eh, so i'm petty. what can you do? ;-)

Posted by: miguel at June 17, 2003 12:08 AM