Azadi, Arak, Eshgh!


Because of my moped adventure, I didn't blog on 9 July, when the blogosphere joined Iran's pro-democracy movement in solidarity. I'm still catching up on the news, largely ignored by the major media. Utterly ignored, if not counter-protested against (?!), by types. You'd think they'd support students opposing a feudal theocratic regime, non?

Anyhow, Winds of Change (whose "staff" includes Iranian Girl) has a great round-up (i.e. lots of links).

Blogging is a crime in Iran. It's subversive. Pass it on.

On the plus side, Salam Pax (who now has his own Guardian column) reports on the tiny, growing Iraqi blog community (covering the political spectrum). Blogging is no longer a crime in Iraq.

Posted by Miguel at 01:46 AM