In twelve hours


Sorry I've not posted much. I've been extremely busy packing for my trip and organizing all the things I'm storing in my parents' basement. It's never as easy or quick as I'd like.

Monday. Met Mrs. Harrison for coffee at Morning Emporium. She was a few minutes late, and I was passing the time talking to some of the coffee shop's regulars. They thought we were mother and son, and Mrs. Harrison & I had a little chuckle over that.

Mrs. Harrison was my language arts teacher for three years. That's actually longer than it sounds. See, I went to a "special" arts magnet school (the Center for Arts & Sciences) and spent three hours a day in Language Arts w/ Mrs. Harrison. We studied poetry and short fiction, mostly. It was an excellent program; several of us won national awards and had our work published.

I don't write poetry or short stories much anymore. But the lessons I learned — the craft of writing — well, I've tried to apply those in my academic writing. It's amazing how relevant the concepts of voice, meter, word composition, and the like are to academic writing.

Anyhow, we sat and drank coffee and just caught up w/ each other's lives. You know, the usual stuff you do w/ a mentor you've not seen for a long time. She reminds me so much of Dr. Hauptmann (or, rather, the latter reminds me of the former).

Tuesday. Spent the night w/ Matt & April & Emmet, who was enjoying his apple slices before bedtime. Later, while April put Emmet to bed, Matt & I went out to Kroger's for cookies, ice cream, and Vernor's.

It was almost like we were back in high school. Matt & I eating junk food, talking about art (he introduced me to the work of Frank Auerbach). Then we settled in front of the TV to watch a movie. The only difference? It wasn't 3am and we hadn't just come in from chasing each other around the Taco Bell parking lot dressed up as Viking superheroes.

We watched Frida, which is simply a phenomenal movie. I always knew Frida Kahlo was a talented artist; I only had a vague notion of how tragic her life was. Oh, if you like the scene involving Diego Rivera's confrontation w/ Rockefeller, you should also rent the movie Cradle Will Rock.

Wednesday. Rounded up the last few things I needed to do, including running to the bank for a considerable withdrawal. Met my parents at Bennigan's for a farewell dinner. The food's not that good there, but the deserts are tops. All in all, a great send off meal w/ the 'rents. Then, back home to finish packing.

I'm now fully packed (all but my electric toothbrush) and ready to head out to the airport in twelve hours. Wow. The next time I post, it'll be from La Paz, Bolivia.

Posted by Miguel at 12:15 AM


Have a safe trip!

Posted by: sam at September 11, 2003 12:18 AM

Thanks, bro! And you & Andy come down and visit for Christmas, OK?

Posted by: miguel at September 11, 2003 12:24 AM

Have fun down there! I hope you can get settled pretty quickly and start your work. I look forward to hearing your stories on Bolivian politics and also the view from abroad on America's policies.
Take care,

Posted by: Patrick at September 11, 2003 03:14 PM


I received your e-mail and will be responding pretty soon. I'm unsure of what is easier for you to check; the webjournal, or the e-mail account. So, I am posting here prior to sending a full response.
Let us know as soon as you are settled in Bolivia. I'm excited to hear about life there, and how you are doing.
You are greatly missed here already; I know myself and Bay are going to have to get used to you not being around. However, I'm very happy that you will (presumably) have internet access on a fairly regular basis.
Anyway, I hope the flight went well, and that you quickly feel at home in your new place. The comics will be sent over the weekend, so you will have some fun reading material on the way.


Posted by: Josh at September 12, 2003 01:05 AM

Hey Miguel! I called the house to see if I could catch you before you went. Good luck and safe journry. Can't wait to see/hear all about Bolivia and your research.

Frida?? I didn't think the movie did much justice ... but it did have Salyma. There is a lot about her that the movie didn't even touch on.

Talk to you soon!

Posted by: Andres at September 12, 2003 01:09 PM

Miguel- have a great trip. I'm already missing your comradery. I look forward to hearing about Bolivia from your perspective. I'll have lots of questions. Anyway we should plan a trip for dan and I asap. Have fun

ps. dan had a major moped crash but is doing ok
pps. we got the coffee shop

Posted by: bil at September 12, 2003 04:54 PM

Miguel- have a great trip. I'm already missing your comradery. I look forward to hearing about Bolivia from your perspective. I'll have lots of questions. Anyway we should plan a trip for dan and I asap. Have fun

ps. dan had a major moped crash but is doing ok
pps. we got the coffee shop

Posted by: bil at September 12, 2003 04:54 PM