Late night news


I'm about to log off and go to bed. But the late late night news bulletings are disturbing (and this from a news station highly critical of Goni's presidency, it's called for his resignation). In Bolivia, news shows are also audience call-in shows. Several people just called in to complain that people in their neighborhoods who didn't go out and march or block roads, or who're accused of ever supporting an "officialist" party, are being beaten by MAS protesters. Apparently, the right to dissent only counts if you do it toeing the line set forth by the syndicate's dirigentes.

This point must not be ignored: Much (though not all) of the Bolivian protests are not democratic social movements; they are authoritarian, sectarian opponents of the current government, and a danger to the democratic institutions themselves.

Posted by Miguel at 02:40 AM


Be careful what you say, men. Or at least be careful where you say it. Sound slike the kind of thing that peopel could be beaten in the streets for.

Posted by: J. Edmund at October 16, 2003 04:16 PM