Welcome to the future, Bolivia


I'm posting this from Kaneda (my trusty PowerBook) from the new wireless connection at Café La Terraza (thanks to Únespot, in La Paz, Bolivia. The first wireless spot in the country. It's not the fastest wireless I've ever used. But it's still pretty impressive. I have a "free pass" they've given out during the grand celebration event (e.g. free wine).

Right now there's a multimedia presentation at La Terraza on the whole concept of wireless internet (connección inalabrica) and the magic of Intel Centrino mobile technology (which means "blah, blah, blah" to this Mac user). It's not free, which is not something I'm used to. And I've not yet heard what the prices are (there's prepaid and unlimited monthly options) to know whether it's worth ditching my regular cyber cafés altogether.

A pretty model just tried to hand me an Intel brochure. I had the pleasure of saying: "No thanks, I'm a Mac user." I think she understood.

UPDATE: Prices for pre-paid Wi-Fi access through Únete are now available: Bs. 25 for 8 hours of wireless internet. That makes it about Bs. 3 per hour, cheaper than most cyber cafés.

Posted by Miguel at 07:49 PM


Now that's the type of globalization that I like! I remember in 1997 searching the entire city for someone who had internet access. I finally found a computer training institute that allowed me to use their connection for 5 dollars an hour. Six years later competition has pushed prices as low as Bs. 1/hour.

If only we can convince most Bolivians that there *are* other uses for the internet than sending stupid chain emails and postales.

Posted by: eduardo at November 30, 2003 02:00 AM

ah spam... what a wonderful waste of internet resources. should I bring some wireless routers? they sell here for like 20-30 bucks now! Got a broadband connection and wha-la... wireless. I tried to talk dad into one this weekend. He is still thinking about it, I think Andy will close the deal on Sunday.

I just tore up my apartment looking for my passport... no luck. I might have to get a new one... and not much time left. Ouch.

Posted by: sam at November 30, 2003 03:05 AM

Yeah, find that passport. Or maybe Mom has it? Remember how for some reason she always thinks its best if she hangs on to all our stuff? But, yeah, you need passport. Sucks if you can't come because of lack of one.

Oh, and I do hope Dad gets wireless. I hate using his highly unreliable wintel box whenever I visit. Oh, and bring at least one wireless router. I'm trying to make our coffee house wireless and think I can talk everyone into it. But few people here have broadband at home ($100/month!).

Posted by: Miguel at December 1, 2003 03:05 PM


Yes. And porn. I'm constantly baffled by people who cruise porn sites at public cyber cafés. What are they thinking?

I'm getting one of my good friends to start blogging. Hopefully, more will follow. The revolution will be bloggerized!

Posted by: Miguel at December 1, 2003 03:08 PM