Um. OK.


The Low-Fidelity All-Star: he was born with the cool, and it's totally natural.  He runs the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they can ingest as much coffee as he) to the geeky hipster%

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I never knew I was a "hipster" until someone in Kalamazoo called me that. Yes, I hate wearing corporate logos (shouldn't they pay me to advertise for them?), drink tons of coffee, and am often teased for not having a mirror in my apartment. But. I know what I look like, so what do I need one for? However, I don't know the words to "Kung-Fu Fighting." Sorry.

Posted by Miguel at 05:49 PM


Hmmm, I'm a consummate hipster. Perfectionist. Those quizzes are silly. Better work on those lyrics to 'kung fu fighting'.

Posted by: vanessa at February 1, 2004 02:40 AM