

I'm back from Tarija, catching up on blogging, email, and other things. I'll post more about my final Tarija experiences tomorrow (I'll write them up tonight). Then I'll post the pictures from Tarija. In the meantime, here's a few ramblings.

I put up a very beta version of the O Mundo Café website. If you've any suggestions for things to add, layout, bells & whistles, etc., do let me know.

For some reason you couldn't post HTML links in comments. I think it was when I upgraded to the latest version of MT. The problem should be fixed now.

I also took an online personality/intelligence test and have a weird score:

Linguistic: 7
Logical-Mathematical: 5
Spatial: 9
Bodily-Kinesthetic: 9
Musical: 12
Interpersonal: 9
Intrapersonal: 8

While I enjoy music tremendously, I'd hardly consider myslef a "musical" person. But I'm happy w/ my overall scores. Kudos to me.

Also, I see Edwards is fast gaining on Kerry for the Dem nomination. Let's hope so; I could actually vote for Edwards.

Oh, and a batch of 20 comics was waiting for me in the mail when I got back to La Paz. Thanks, Josh Upson!

Posted by Miguel at 06:14 PM


Add in your menu (with a short description of each dish or special drink). Write about your specialties.

Add in a page for Calender of Events.

Perhaps a weekly blog under the heading of News? On the page, you can comment on the show of the month, etc.

Posted by: Steph at February 27, 2004 11:47 AM

As for the O Mundo Café, I had some of those very ideas. So far, I'm thinking of adding a "city guide" page w/ tourist info of things to do in La Paz and nearby. Also, thought about a blog, but have to think about it layout/content design for a while yet. The menu, of course (but w/o prices, since they might be variable). Also, an "info" page w/ our mission statement and info on the local & fair trade or organic products we use. I've even thought of an online art gallery where people could browse (or even buy?) the displayed art online.

Posted by: Miguel at February 27, 2004 01:32 PM

Sounds like a "cafe-tainment". Is that your selling point?
The online art gallery's a good idea. BTW, are there specific types of painting or music you want to promote? Have you a target group you want to attract with your shows?

Have you got internet connection in the cafe?
If you have a laptop or computer there, customers can comment on the pub, shows, or the art online (and have a book in the cafe for the customers to doodle, jot down comments..etc).

Posted by: Steph at February 27, 2004 10:52 PM

Yes, in the future we'd like internet (Wi-Fi) at the cafe. For now, we don't have it. We're mostly trying to attract a "bohemian" crowd. So no specific style of art/music, but as long as it's quality art, not fluff. But. The place is mostly rather calm on most nights; actually rather quiet & quaint, good for conversations.

Posted by: Miguel at February 28, 2004 02:02 PM

btw, include your cafe's opening hours on the index page too. = )

Posted by: Steph at March 1, 2004 12:42 PM