A note to terrorists


I want to write something condemning terrorism. It's too easy; and at the same time, too hard. Instead, I'll post a quote from my good friend, J. Edmund:

[A] note to any terrorists out there: Grow up you fucking assholes. No one is perfectly happy with the world, and no one's world exactly matches their religious view of how things should be ... but you don't fucking hurt people because of it. Just suck it, accept personal responsibility and get on with things. Grow up.

And another thing. You think that there is a big American conspiracy against muslims? Wake up. We don't give a shit about you until you throw your little baby tantrums. We watch all-star-survivor. You think we can be bothered to hate people we've never heard of? Greedy? sure. Brutish? yeah. Clumsy? yep. Stupid? that too. But the unfortunate truth is that we are just too lazy to go out and find new people to hate. I think you just like the attention. Wah! Kick your legs on the floor little baby. That's a sure way to get what you want, and plenty of respect.

Ok, you wanna hate the US for being oil mad and greedy? Guess what, we hate the oil-mad greedy ones too. So single those people out an kill them. Whoops, that plan doesn't work does it. No, that would be too much effort, oh and you have to consider people as individuals ... which makes killing them so much harder.

Once again, grow up, assholes.

Posted by Miguel at 09:12 PM


hey i like that. maybe get it printed on flyers to send to ETA and other terror groups that we 'know' exist.

Posted by: sam at March 15, 2004 03:49 PM