Farewell to the fallen


Bob Zangas, an American reservist, working as a civilian in Iraq's reconstruction was killed last week. I know about him because he was a blogger (a pretty good one, too). Here's Zangas' last post. Whatever you think of the war, Bush, or whatever. These men & women are just doing their job — a job they volunteered for (ours isn't a conscript army). It's tough; it's lonely. But they're just human beings caught in less-than-ideal but oh-too-real world.

Posted by Miguel at 07:45 PM


His last post is heartrending.

This is tremendously sad.

Posted by: tom at March 16, 2004 12:17 AM

I had never heard of him, thanks for passing on his blog.

With all the news of people dying it's not often you get to take a small look at someone's life and kind of see what they were like.

This guy just wanted to help people, he didn't care about politics--he was just doing what he could to make other people's lives better.

Posted by: Patrick at March 16, 2004 12:34 AM

Yes. Sad. Bob Zangas just wanted to do what he could to make the Iraqi people better off. Too often we tend to dehumanize (or just ignore) that there are thousands of people in Iraq risking their lives to help the Iraqi people. Why do we so often try to find sympathy w/ terrorists, but not w/ those others?

Posted by: Miguel at March 16, 2004 09:52 AM