Speaking of Brazilian soccer


Watched the game w/ Piper (my little cousin Felipe). He took a nap to wake up especially for it (poor med students and their lack of sleep). A nice, smooth, flowing game, even if not brilliant. After a few failed attempts, Brazil finally scored in the last ten minutes to beat Chile 1-0. Of course, some bad refereing cost Brazil several other opportunities.

Still, Brazil did well. Considering it wasn't their "normal" national selection. But rather their sub-20 youth team. Amazing. Brazil's so confident, it sent its sub-20 team to a major international championship. After all, it's a good way to give its young players international experience. Right? Amazing.

I also met Sandro, Claudia's new husband. Still only weeks from their honeymoon & very much in love. Caught up on some family gossip, what cousins and aunts/uncles are currently on the outs w/ our feisty abuelita. I mean, we all love abuelita very much. But. Seriously. She does go overboard sometimes & make outrageous demands of her descendants. I just hope she doesn't burn too many bridges when she needs them the most. But we're all very stubborn & blah blah blah.

Anyhow, at least it's good to know which relatives I've to specifically seek out for appointments, since they won't be coming around this house for a while. Ah, the role of the American cousins, to carefuly walk through the landmine of jealousies & crazy expectations sown by the clan's matriarch.

Posted by Miguel at 02:05 PM


"Ah, the role of the American cousins, to carefuly walk through the landmine of jealousies & crazy expectations sown by the clan's matriarch."

That's a universal experience, let me assure you.


Posted by: j.scott barnard at July 12, 2004 11:32 AM