

It's painfully obvious that my apartment won't be anywhere near ready by Sunday for any kind of open house soirée. Besides, I've run out of paint. So. I'm postponing everything until the following Sunday. That gives me 10 days to get my bleep together & a clear deadline/incentive to finish before the semester begins.

If you're reading this, you're invited to my house on the afternoon of 29 August. Unless, of course, you've listed me as your personal enemy. In which case, why would you bother coming?

And if you'd like to come over & help me paint, organize, or otherwise keep me company while I work, just invite yourself. Your presence will be greatly appreciated. And if you take me grocery shopping, I'll cook you something delicious.

Meanwhile, I'm changing out of my painting clothes & heading out the door for poker night.

Posted by Miguel at 07:52 PM

Comments (sigh) How could anyone be an enemy of you!?

Posted by: j.scott barnard at August 20, 2004 11:33 AM

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