Tools, not bombs


I just learned about an interesting project to help people in Iraq (it was featured on CNN). It's a donation drive for tools for Iraqi craftsmen, sponsored by Spirit of America. Think of it as tools, not bombs. If you oppose a military approach to rebuilding a country, but want to support the Iraqi people, and have some extra cash (they take PayPal), here's a great opportunity. Since you can't rebuild a country w/o, er, tools.

Other projects at Spirit of America include: school supplies for Iraqi kids, sewing machines for women in Ramadi, and water barrels for rural Iraqis. Next time you're considering spending airfare to attend a protest, send money to the people you're trying to help.

Posted by Miguel at 07:46 PM


oops, i printed my comments in the wrong box! Great idea and well-put. HOw can I get more information - I'd like to see if we can do something at school!

A wish list???I'll send you the Life of PI as soon as I'm done. and why not post on your wish list what you'd like sent to Iraq? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Posted by: beverly at September 27, 2004 09:40 PM

So my mom caught me. I just want people to buy me stuff. Or send me to Italy.

Posted by: Miguel at September 27, 2004 10:04 PM