The last day of Thanksgiving


Arus hosted a grad students’ Thanksgiving celebration this year. It’s always fun to get together for these oh-so-American holidays w/ a motley mix of East European & Post Soviet grad students, a few Africans, and some token Americans sprinkled in. We even took turns going around saying what we were thankful for (my first time this holiday, actually). The food was great, as was the post-dinner “Eastern coffee” (Armenians won’t call it “Turkish coffee”).

As typical, lots of conversations about pop culture, interspersed w/ some “academic” discussions & departmental gossip. Mostly, we two American students tried making a short list of quintessential 80s films (The Breakfast Club topped the list) that should be watched. Also a short discussion on how Baywatch was actually groundbreaking television.

Think about it: Baywatch taught Gen Xers (especially males) to watch soap operas; it made Dawson’s Creek, Melrose Place, The OC, and other such shows possible. Before Baywatch, prime time TV was dominated by sitcoms, which have single-episode formats, not continuous story arcs driven by keeping track of how characters relate to one another in a constantly changing dynamic. By the early 90s, Baywatch had become, essentially, a soap opera that cleverly appealed to both women (focusing on characters’ relationships) & men (focusing on hot women in tiny outfits).

These are the kinds of things discussed by a half dozen political science PhD candidates over wine & turkey.

As my 5-day holiday winds down, I managed to write the last quiz, final review, and final exam for my class. So I’m well prepared for the end of the semester; I’m on autopilot now. Whew. Which is good, since I’ve two weeks to prepare two syllabi for next semester. Cringe.

Posted by Miguel at 08:08 PM


I recently read Brithish TV executives voted Bay Watch the worst TV show imported from the US of all times. Even though they admit it was extremely successful (one billion viewers in 140 countries).

Don't forget BW did wonders for spreading American pop culture around the world. ;-)

Posted by: MB at November 29, 2004 05:47 AM

Baywatch a soap opera? Thats the first time I've heard. Seeing the women running and boobs bobbing gaily on the beach sometimes made me think it was a comedy. : ) Aren't all soap operas about character relationships, anyway? What you said was a mute point...

Melrose Place started before Baywatch. MP beagan in 1991/1992, I believe. As for sitcomes having only 1-episode storylines, I think it was Friends that started the continuous storyline format.

You're right on the hotred bikini point, though.

Posted by: Stephanie at November 29, 2004 08:39 AM

While I'm not arguing Baywatch was "good" television, I still think it was groundbreaking (for better or worse). It actually launched in 1989, beating out even 90210.

While all soap operas are about character relationships, not all TV shows are. Baywatch started as an action/adventure show w/ a cast of hot girls in bikinis. But very soon it evolved into a show where the different characters had long-term dating/romantic relationships w/ each other. Basically, it was a soap opera targetted specifically at young viewers (male & female).

Friends didn't air until 1994, but by then young viewers had become acustomed to watching a new version of soap opears, but w/ young (but always super attractive) cast members. Current incarnations include: Smallville, Gilmore Girls, Boston Public. Interstingly, young viewers seem to enjoy "themed" soap operas (which was a Baywatch contribution), such as: Buffy or Passions.

Of course, perhaps another groundbreaking show, along w/ Baywatch & 90210 was Saved by the Bell, which was arguably the first high school soap opera (though it followed the sitcom format).

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 29, 2004 10:51 AM

Miguel, I'm happy to know that you and your family are ok and doing well, I read your recent entries and I recalled driving through those county roads, ahh really nice views. As for Baywatch it makes sense what you say but it is definitely one of the worst sitcoms ever!

Posted by: Daniel at November 29, 2004 01:58 PM