More thoughts on iTunes


Here are some sites that attempt to answer the question about my iTunes or not dilemma.

The Future of Music Coalition
iTunes Music Store & the Indie Artist
Under the Umbrella
Unique Hardware

I’ve also emailed a few labels directly, to ask their opinion on the matter. So hopefully, soon, I’ll know what the best solution is. Because there are several things to consider:

  1. iTunes may pay less to indie bands and/or labels than purchasing directly from indie bands and/or labels (the bands/labels lose per unit)
  2. But the small difference may be made up in the long term if I’m able to purchase more music from indie bands and/or labels (e.g. the bands/labels make up in volume)
  3. Conversely, the loss per unit may be large enough that I can’t offset the loss in volume
  4. Or the difference could be so slight, that I can ethically choose either alternative

All this is premised, of course, on the ethical decision that I want to actively support indie bands/labels. Is this altruistic? Of course not! It’s purely selfish (in the Objectivist definition). Because I value the music produced by indie bands/labels, it’s in my self-interest to invest resources (by buying their product) for the continued production of values. Being parasitically selfish (just ripping CDs for free non-stop) leads to the inability of indie bands/labels to exist, which means I end up w/ less music in the future.

UPDATE: I heard back from James at Darla Records; he says they get as much from iTunes sales as from direct hard-copy sales. Seems iTunes has agreements w/ labels, not bands. And if labels get the same from iTunes sales as from direct hard-copy sales, it follows that bands get the same share of the label's profits (under whatever agreement they have w/ the labels).

Posted by Miguel at 03:21 PM


But I wonder, do you intend to support all indie bands? I've heard many indie bands/labels that arguably suck ass. The ones that suck should be forced out of the market.

Posted by: tom at February 19, 2005 04:40 PM

Oh, I totally agree. Bad labels/bands should be driven out of the market — if that's what the market dictates. I want to support the bands/labels that I like, not the ones I don't. Those can go into the dutbin of history w/o much though on my part.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 19, 2005 04:48 PM

As I stated in my previous comment, I though that James's response was the case. Now its all about if you want the thrill of filing them on your shelf :)

Posted by: Joshu at February 19, 2005 07:06 PM

Okay, now you know I'm not a tech-smart person. But can't you just buy the CD and somehow magically transfer it over to your ipod via your computer? Once again, sorry if that seems like a really stupid question/solution.

Posted by: Kara at February 19, 2005 11:51 PM