Riding the rails


There's no electrical outlets on this train, though the cars are nicer. Spent most of the day sleeping, catching up on much-needed rest. I enjoyed my brief visit to my little brother; dreading the crushing pace of work that needs doing by Monday.

In a bit, I'll go back to reading student papers. Also reading Reading Lolita in Tehran. Wow. More thoughts on it later. But it's the perfect book to be reading, now, in context.

I arrive in Kalamazoo in 18 hours or so, looking forward to a hot shower & unbridled sleep.

Posted by Miguel at 11:30 PM


Reading Lolita in Tehran.

Can you give us a short (one paragraph or so) review? I've wanted to read it but was afraid that the hype surrounding it was all...hype.

Posted by: j.scott barnard at March 3, 2005 11:49 AM