Bits o' news


Accomplishments today? Took the Schwinn in for repair & tune-up. Ran a mile w/ Ana. A load of laundry & ironing. A much-needed haircut (from Supercuts). Also, I rediscovered the useful comfort of cargo pants.

Also back to reading about the (new) troubles in Bolivia. Meaning, mostly, that there's still not a new hydrocarbons law (as per popular demands in October 2003 and a public referendum in July 2004). But since one of the consequences of the whole "guerra del gas" uprising was a new impulse for regional political (and economic) autonomy from the gas-rich departments (e.g. Santa Cruz & Tarija), there's now renewed insistence on regional autonomies (as per popular demands in June 2004 and subsequent government promises for a referendum and/or elections this June for prefects). So. Evo, Quispe, Solares, et al will protest the recent hydrocarbons law passed by parliament; the Comité Santa Cruz will give the government 48 hours to move forward w/ autonomía demands, before taking de facto action. Beginning of the end? Or end of the beginning?

Posted by Miguel at 10:04 PM


Way to go re/mile run. Make it a part of your life, and the quality will improve!

Posted by: tom at May 10, 2005 11:23 PM