Thank the force it's over


Just saw the final installment (we can only hope) of Star Wars. And, w/ that behind us, I swear on all that's holy that I've just spent the last dime George Lucas'll ever get from me. I've no interest to go into just how bad a movie it was (hands down the worst in the series), but there are scenes & dialogue that'll make you laugh (when you're not supposed to).

Maybe a longer review later, after more of you've seen it (because I know you will). For now, I just wanna crawl into bed on this rainy afternoon.

PS. On the way back, we discussed why the newest three (I, II, III) were so much worse than the first three (IV, V, VI). Well, except for IV, which had charm & bravura & was more an adventure story set in sci-fi w/ little special effects technology, the rest were not directed by Lucas. Thank Irving Kershner for Empire Strikes Back & Richard Marquand for Return of the Jedi. Also, Thank Lawrence Kasdan & Leigh Brackett for those screenplays (and the palatable dialogue).

PSS. To be fair, Revenge of the Sith was slightly better than the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special (and, yes, I've seen it).

UPDATE: I've changed the (above) link from the 1978 holiday special's IMDB page, to a website entirely devoted to it. Enjoy!

Posted by Miguel at 01:29 PM


You've confirmed my suspicions! Ever since observing the character Jar-jar Binks, I knew how it would end. Rediculously bad.

I'll see Revenge of the Sith anyway, just to complete the series.

Posted by: tom at May 19, 2005 09:33 PM