Doe, a deer, a female deer


I've recently gotten excited about dinner parties. Last night I hosted a friend-colleague from my department, Mihaiela. Just a simple salad w/ fresh handmade dressing, baked ocean perch, and spinach fettuccine w/ Parmesan. Wednesday, I'm hosting Dan & Emily. Should be tons of fun. I'm working on improving my cooking skills; it only makes sense to invite people over.

Also, last night, while walking through the Vine Neighborhood, Mihaiela & I stumbled upon a whitetail doe. She stood still, quiet, only twenty yards away from us. Then gracefully skipped off, before leaping into the thickets. That's one of my favorite things about living in a small city in Michigan: suddenly stumbling upon "wildlife" in my neighborhood. On any given summer evening I'll find foxes (three varieties), the ever-present racoons & squirrels, deer, woodchucks, possums, moles, ferrets, skunks, even saw a small bobcat once. And that's just the mammals.

The weather's finally turned again. A pleasant 77°, heading into the 80s later this week. I hope the weather's good for my grandparents' 60th anniversary this weekend. K8 & I drive up to see my folks, and give her a brief tour of Saginaw.

Plus, I've finally updated dBlog w/ a new post. It's the (very draft) introduction to Chapter 3. I rarely update that thing, but I think I should do so more often. Otherwise, I just look like a lazy slacker.

Posted by Miguel at 04:54 PM


I am available this weekend if you still need me.

Posted by: Kim at June 20, 2005 07:11 PM

Sounds like you are having fun with your cooking adventures. :)

Posted by: cat at June 21, 2005 11:07 AM

I'm having a blast cooking. I'm open to self-invites from people.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 21, 2005 03:43 PM