Summer I, where did you go?


Suddenly realized I'd inadvertently missed a major deadline. Well, not life-or-death major, but major nonetheless. Why didn't my Summer II stipend pay out? In part, because I never filed my Summer I progress report. Ouch.

In part, I misunderstood (I do that sometimes w/ small print) and thought my dissertation writing progress report was due at the end of both summer sessions (each is about 6 weeks), rather than at the end of each session. So my status report is overdue (since they're actually due two weeks before the end of each session). I jeopardized my continued funding & never even noticed. It's always those little things that get me.

Nevertheless, I got hold of 3 of 4 of my committee members w/in 12 hours, despite the fact that none of them are in Michigan (well, one is right now, but on her way back out of the country). Quick mea culpas all around, and requests for letters stating that I have, in fact, made "substantive" progress these last few weeks.

Since I don't like asking for such things w/o offering something, I had to quickly try to polish up some chapter drafts into something "presentable" (rather than an assortment of composition notebooks, bits of text here & there, or notecards on my bulletin board). Ouch, ouch.

A few hours later, and Chapter 2 looks like, well, a decently looking chapter, weighing in at just 22 pages (double spaced), w/ room to edit in a few more (actually, I yanked out about 10 pages to make it "presentable"). What I currently have of Chapter 3 weighs in at 9 pages (double spaced). Slim, but still about 10% of the total expected length of the dissertation.

If everything works out tomorrow, I should have $100 disposable to last through the 4-day holiday weekend. Yeehaw!

UPDATE: Things didn't entirely work out, but thanks to Cara, I'll have a balance of $1.01 $1.43 in my checking account. Time to count change.

Posted by Miguel at 03:27 AM


I've been there... you'll be OK.

Posted by: cat at July 1, 2005 04:31 PM