Political activism


I accidentally got caught in a 10-minute conversation w/ Lyndon LaRouche supporters today. I was just making my way from my car to the political science office, and I got trapped. That's 10 minutes of my life I'd like to get back. The saddest thing, was that the starry-eyed kid who was trying to convert me (it had the same kind of feel as when you stumble upon a Jehova's witness) couldn't make a sentence that didn't include some sort of pseudo-jargon. Though the reference to Alexander Hamilton sort of threw me for a second. A conspiracy-theorist socialist was endorsing the economic theories of a mercantilist nationalist? Did I miss something? Bottom line, I just couldn't quite figure out what the kid thought he believed. Only that he believed it very passionately, and thought I should, too.

But I gotta give them credit for being outside, w/ an information table, on a bleary February day. I guess that's worth something.

Posted by Miguel at 06:03 PM


If you go to New Hampshire during a presidential election year you will probably see dozens of LaRouche supporters. I remember them back in 1984. When will he stop running for political office?

Posted by: ginger at February 11, 2006 05:28 PM