My poor darling


I think Annie's dying. She's been sick now for almost a month, refusing to eat. She's now on two different kinds of liver medications, vitamin supplements, and even anti-depressants. She's been through a battery of tests, which rule out cancer (though there are still more tests that could be run). And she still won't eat. I'm at my wit's end, frankly.

If anyone has any thoughts or advice, feel free to share. I hope she gets better soon. And I'm willing to consider she might have to find a new home, one w/o so many other cats. But I'm also forced to consider the potential alternatives.

Posted by Miguel at 04:34 PM


This is very sad to hear. Finding a less stressful home might be a good alternative to simply putting her to sleep*. I'm sure you've talked to your vet about that already. Listen to your vet. Talk to other vets as well. Other pet owners are a great resource as well. When I was unsure what to do about my old aggresive dog, talking to people at animal rescue websites helped.

*Most of all, listen to Annie. She'll tell you when it's time to go. As long as she is still enjoying her life (even if she's currently unhappy) and the two of you are enjoying eachother, there is no reason to cut it short.

Posted by: erin m at September 13, 2006 11:24 PM

I'm sorry to hear your cat's ill. Could she also be jealous of the new cats, or can't adapt to the new environment, weather, etc? When my little bro brought home a stray kitten a few months ago, the older 2 cats didn't like it and left to find a new territory some houses away.

Posted by: Stephanie at September 14, 2006 03:12 AM

Well, she's not eaten in almost a month, except for what the doctors give her through IV or injections. She's down to a little over 10 lbs and she doesn't do much but sleep (and only if the male cat leaves her alone).

Plus, her liver is pretty much completely failed on her (the tests today confirm that). She also had lots of pain, so she's been put on pain medication now, too. So i think it might be time to go, for her sake.

And I'm hardly ever home anymore, because of work. But if we have to put her to sleep, I'd like to spend at least one last day w/ her, of course.

Posted by: mcentellas [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 14, 2006 06:13 PM

I feel the pain in your notes, MIguel. Decisions are tough, but Annie has been a wonderful pet and may need to be released to be free of pain. You are in my thoughts.

Posted by: MOM at September 14, 2006 11:36 PM