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Just a quick note as I recover from last night's cocktail party. But today is the anniversary of the first "grito libertario" (or "declaration of independence") in Santa Cruz, Bolivia (24 September 1810). As usualy, El Deber has a good commemorative issue. It is, of course, a big event this year.

In related news: It seems that after the constituent assembly was on the verge of a compromise solution that woudl require a 2/3 vote on most (but not all) matters, Evo (who previously said he would obey the wishes of the assembly) specificaly & publicly instructed his party to demand a simple majority for all issues. So, it looks like there'll be no compromise.

And here's a good piece of analysis on the Evo-Alvaro split from Green Left Weekly.

Posted by Miguel at 09:19 AM


Evo just keeps pushing for confrontation...how long before SC tries to secede? El Deber has some interesting op-ed pieces today. Even Paulovich is pessimistic.

Posted by: galloglass at September 24, 2006 10:32 AM

Evo's methodology is familiar to most parents. He pushes the theoretical limit to find out where the practical limit actually is. Children do this by nature. We set a limit for a child - "If you do that one more time I'm going to swat you." The child tests the limit by doing it one more time. We respond warning them again instead of swatting them. Obviously that wasn't the limit, so they keep pushing until they find out where the limit really is and then step back one step.

The problem for the parent (and for Santa Cruz) is that the penalty they threaten is more than they actually feel comfortable meting out.

Posted by: Norman at September 27, 2006 02:51 PM

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