Kids survey
06.30.2005Here's a quick survey specifically for parents of young kids (kindergarten age or younger). It's loosely related to the PBS discussion below.
Continue reading "Kids survey"Summertime
06.29.2005Spent an hour shaking the rust off on the tennis court today. Half an hour hitting against the wall, followed by half an hour hitting back & forth in a pick up match. I'm not ashamed to point out that I lost, 5-0. My back hand still needs work, my service game's shot, but my overhand still has some sting to it.
Continue reading "Summertime"Posted by Miguel at 08:11 PM | Permalink
Save PBS?
06.28.2005Technorati tag: politics
I've already gotten a few emails about NPR, PBS, and NEA under fire. They all ask me to contact my representatives in Washington to ask them to save these public institutions. All I keep asking myself is: Why?
Continue reading "Save PBS?"Witches & whales
06.27.2005Bewitched teaches us a very important lesson. That Nicole Kidman is such a fantastically talented actress that she can play opposite an absolute imbecile & still carry a film. I really wanna see the DVD out takes. I'm sure there are moments she wanted to strangle the infuriatingly one-dimension Will Ferrell. She deserves an academy award for staying professional, composed, and in-character when made to play opposite an ape.
Continue reading "Witches & whales"60 years
06.27.2005Went home this weekend for my grandparents' 60th anniversary, a small family barbecue hosted by my parents. It was a pleasant time to see most of the Coates family. And the low key event was exactly what I've come to expect (and enjoy).
Continue reading "60 years"Notecards & bulletin boards
06.23.2005Technorati tags: dissertation research
Sometimes you realize your outlines just aren't sharp enough. So it's back to the drawing board (or, rather, bulletin board). Chapter 3 is completely holding me up, dissertation-wise. Chapter 1 is in a holding pattern, waiting for 2 & 3 so I can finish up the last two subsections (which allude to 2 & 3); Chapter 2 is mostly written (about two years ago), waiting for a chance to dust it off and make revisions & updates. But Chapter 3 is killing me right now.
Continue reading "Notecards & bulletin boards"TV blogging
06.22.2005One of the big he-said-she-said bits of news the last few days involve Sen. Durbin's remarks comparing Guantanamo to Soviet gulags & Pol Pot's killing fields. He's since apologized, in that oh-so-unapologetic way (believe me, I've made such apologies, I recognize them when I see them). He was insensitive, he should've said he was wrong, and we could've all moved on. [Edit: here's a article on how to apologize.]
No matter. While preparing dinner, I watched an episode of Law & Order ("Veterans Day") that addressed the matter in, well, an interesting way.
Continue reading "TV blogging"Redistricting
06.20.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
A small bombshell dropped in parliament's lap today, one that might make cruceños more likely to enter early parliamentary elections. The latest census, which should (theoretically) dictate the new electoral distribution, gives four more seats to Santa Cruz, while the eastern (Andean) departments lose a total of six seats in the lower house (Cochabamba gains the balance). The 2002 elections didn't use the 2001 census numbers because the census data wasn't yet official at the time.
An open letter to Democrats
06.20.2005Technorati tag: politics
Mid-term elections are around the corner, so I'll soon be expected to vote for congress. Frankly, I like my representative (Fred Upton), so I'll probably just keep him. I'm pretty sure Debbie Stabenow will win reelection from my senate district; and I'm not sure if I'd even want to vote against her. Of course, by November 2006 I should (hopefully) be living & working not-in-Kalamazoo, and all bets are off.
Continue reading "An open letter to Democrats"Posted by Miguel at 06:16 PM | Permalink
Doe, a deer, a female deer
06.20.2005I've recently gotten excited about dinner parties. Last night I hosted a friend-colleague from my department, Mihaiela. Just a simple salad w/ fresh handmade dressing, baked ocean perch, and spinach fettuccine w/ Parmesan. Wednesday, I'm hosting Dan & Emily. Should be tons of fun. I'm working on improving my cooking skills; it only makes sense to invite people over.
Continue reading "Doe, a deer, a female deer"BoliviaWiki
06.18.2005Technorati tags: Bolivia dissertation research
I've uploaded an updated version of the Bolivia Wiki I routinely work on. It's coming closer to being "complete" in any sense of the word. It's barebones, not lengthy entries. Hope it's useful to someone out there.
Continue reading "BoliviaWiki"Waking up from a sleep marathon
06.18.2005Technorati tags: dissertation research
The weather's dropped several notches. Right now it's an autumnesque 69°. And for some reason, that makes me sleepy. Went to bed around 5pm last night; woke up at 1:30pm. That's just not right.
Continue reading "Waking up from a sleep marathon"The economic balance
06.16.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
New economic figures are in. The department of Santa Cruz collects 42% of national taxes (Bs. 465 million), 40% of national import taxes (aduana, Bs. 251.8 million), 40% of sales taxes (Bs. 731.8 million), 50% of transaction taxes (Bs. 687.2 million), 46% of corporate taxes (Bs. 444.6 million). In total, the department raises $593 million for the national treasury; it gets back only $159 million.
Continue reading "The economic balance"Batman began
06.15.2005To start, I was worried about the film. Batman's my favorite comic book hero. Mainly, because he's only a man. No flying, super-strength, x-ray vision, mutant powers, or other special abilities. It's only a mind & body, trained to peak perfection, w/ a singular purpose. My worries involved the trailers emphasis on comedy & romance. Too many horrible, campy, schticky film versions came before. Off I went w/ Dan & Emily, all of us just a bit uneasy, high on expectation & braced for disappointment.
Continue reading "Batman began"Back from a somewhat-spontaneous trip to Chicago w/ Nick, who was summarily kidnapped by a shaddy door-to-door Willy Loman. It was also nice to see K8 again. Nick reappeared just in time to watch a (slightly) anti-climactic The Shield season finale. Then out the door back to Michigan.
But. Tonight. Batman Begins. It'd better be good, people. It'd better be good.
Plus the weather's back to pleasant mid-high 60s. Ah! Sweater weather, how I missed you.
Priorities & historical context
06.14.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
Rodríguez is taking his time to set up his new cabinet. Can someone explain to me why he would even want to waste spend time putting together a cabinet? He is just going to hold new elections in 180 days (give or take), right? Why not just let the bureaucracy function as it's been functioning (perhaps even scale it back, say temporarily, close the Ministry of Sports) and focus exclusively on: 1) new national elections, 2) autonomy referendum, 3) prefectural elections. That's what I'd do.
What's left of Bolivia
06.12.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
The last two years have seen Bolivia unravel at the seams. A lengthy section from today's La Prensa gives a perfect indication of just how divided things have gotten. Look at the pictures.
Continue reading "What's left of Bolivia"Can I get a thank you?
06.12.2005Those two "war mongers" Bush & Blair did it again. They just spearheaded a drive to forgive $55 billion in third world debt, the largest debt relief package in history. Oh, the humanity! But, seriously, I'm waiting to see how the "Bu$h = Hitler" propaganda machine spins this one. For starters, how about not running on the front of The New York Times, The Washington Post, BBC News, CNN — it's fun, you should try it. Kudos to NPR for running a brief blurb; drats for focusing on how it should've been more aid.
Oh, one of the 30 countries to benefit from debt forgiveness? Bolivia. Wiped out almost half.
Research update
06.12.2005Technorati tags: dissertation research
Continue reading "Research update"Posted by Miguel at 09:59 AM | Permalink
Hydrocarbons nationalization?
06.12.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
This brief article & graphic (image link below) from El Deber is quite interesting. The sample size of 850 is a bit low, but reports 95% confidence. It suggests that views on hydrocarbon policy aren't (quite) as polarized as some might think.
Continue reading "Hydrocarbons nationalization?"Posted by Miguel at 09:58 AM | Permalink
Swift militarization
06.10.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
Well, not really "swift" (since it took months before anyone bothered to try containing the violence w/ more than honeyed TV discourses), but close enough. And radically shocking. Less than 24 hours after Rodríguez Veltzé was sworn in as Bolivia's third president in less than two years, the military high command mobilized 14,000 troops to restore order. In part, because the Evo-Solares-FEJUVE protesters decided that they weren't really protesting Vaca Díez after all, and they'll stay mobilized until full nationalization of the hydrocarbons industry.
Continue reading "Swift militarization"Posted by Miguel at 03:12 PM | Permalink
Aló presidente
06.10.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
So, now that parliament caved in to the protesters, let's see if Bolivia chills out. Because Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé is the end of the (succession) line. His first promise: new elections. Because what every third world, highly polarized country on the verge of civil war needs is snap elections.
Continue reading "Aló presidente"Diet & retro-diet
06.09.2005For some non-Bolivia news. Unfortunately, there's not much noteworthy in my life lately; I tend to spend much of the time waiting for news from Bolivia, or reading about Bolivian history (specifically, issues of post-1952 nation-building) for my dissertation, interspersed w/ a few stolen moments w/ friends.
Continue reading "Diet & retro-diet"Why not just let parliament vote?
06.09.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
The session of parliament that was to vote on whether to accept Mesa's resignation was suspended. A group of miners traded dynamite for gunfire w/ troops outside Sucre. So the tension continues; it'd be nice if the protesters would at least give parliament a chance to vote, since it's not yet clear even if Vaca Díez will be voted president or not.
Continue reading "Why not just let parliament vote?"Ballots or dynamite
06.08.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
It's pretty obvious that Hormando Vaca Diez wants to be president. And the constitution stipulates that he would assume the presidency.
Continue reading "Ballots or dynamite"Posted by Miguel at 09:06 PM | Permalink
Will they march to Sucre?
06.08.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
The gall of some people! Bolivian police, who're barely keeping order in the city of La Paz, recently seized 1,000 dynamite cartridges, several firearms (including machine gun ammunition), and $ Bs. 14,000 (for "daily expenses"). Now, the miners demand the police return their stuff. One miner already blew his hand off mishandling the explosives. All but 8 of the 54 arrested have already been released.
Like reports from a war zone
06.07.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
I'm one of those bright-eyed American optimists by nature. So I keep telling my mom that travelling to Santa Cruz this Friday should be fine; after all, it's not La Paz. I still think she should go, if she wants to. But reports like this don't help much.
Continue reading "Like reports from a war zone"4 days in Chicago
06.06.2005Chicago was great, since I mostly managed to avoid the heat. Seriously, I'm an old man out there. Sun blinds me, too much of it makes me sneeze uncontrollably, and I start to wilt.
Continue reading "4 days in Chicago"Posted by Miguel at 11:32 PM | Permalink
06.06.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
My Chicago trip ended today, and I'm back in Kalamazoo. The weather's breezy, nice. But Bolivia's heating up (isn't it always?).
Continue reading "Back"Posted by Miguel at 10:26 PM | Permalink
A visit to the athenaeum
06.05.2005From across kitchen, direct to my email inbox, from K8 (a died-in-the-wool liberal) : "No Jokes, Please, We're Liberal" A Vanity Fair article about how liberals have become the new conservatives ("a stodgy, humorless Ivy League elite"). Enjoy. Now I'm off to the über athenaeum, the University of Chicago libraries to look for things in F3320s.
Continue reading "A visit to the athenaeum"In Chicago
06.04.2005Getting a good deal of work done, actually. I'm starting to cruise through some of my CEDIB (newspaper archives) data, putting together a small wikipedia of Bolivia politics (here's what I have so far).
Also, found an awesome pair of GBX shoes in a little shop in Wicker Park. Cash only. $39. Amazing comfort.
K8 & her roomate threw a baby shower. Eh. But bowling & Los Comales after was cool.
Posted by Miguel at 11:49 PM | Permalink
355 in, 364 out
06.03.2005In Chicago, visiting K8 (and the University of Chicago Library). Back in a few. But I'm enjoying a quick break from Kalamazoo, three rambunctious cats, and some big city living.
Of course, I do have to get some work done while here, so it's not all fun & games. But I'll be back at the Kalamazoo train station Monday, 6:21pm.
What do they want?
06.03.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
For weeks, protesters have demanded an election for a constituent assembly. And the government never denied that, the only question was when, and what kind of election. Sure, parliament went slow, but that's how these things go. So now that Mesa has insisted on a set date (16 October), the protesters change their demand: now they want early general elections (for president & parliament).
Continue reading "What do they want?"Has it begun?
06.02.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
Today's El Deber has a story of what could be more to come. A march by MAS & MST sympathizers en route to the city of Santa Cruz, battled members of the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC). Both sides claim the other started, and that they themselves were quite "pacific". The skirmish, which left at least six people injured by the time the police arrived, took place on the Quinto Anillo, along the La Guardia road.
Continue reading "Has it begun?"Been two months since my last CD
06.01.2005From MABB:
Continue reading "Been two months since my last CD"Bad OIT
06.01.2005Ah, comment spam. How I didn't miss you.
Also, yesterday & today were an excruciating experience w/ Western's OIT. See, they're transferring their email servers (and going to IMAP, btw). How would you handle this? Would you set up a system where students & faculty log in w/ their username & password (perhaps even a third piece of ID like a SSN or the fancy new student ID number), have them press a "transfer" button, then load a page of instructions for reconfiguring email client software?
Continue reading "Bad OIT"Abstract principles
06.01.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
Imagine a group of people U w/ various subgroups (a, b, c, ...). The group has existed since some specific time period (t), but the structure of its organization (the decision-making apparatus) has changed over time (t1, t2, t3, ...).
Continue reading "Abstract principles"La Paz in flames
06.01.2005Technorati tag: Bolivia
Bolivia's parliament was supposed to meet yesterday, after eleven days back w/ their constituencies. They were to vote on dates for the autonomy referendum & constituent assembly. Instead, protests intent on closing parliament — and exacting "community justice" (i.e. lynchings) on legislators — prevented the body from meeting.
Continue reading "La Paz in flames"