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Research paper

Each student will write a paper (approximately 8-10 pages) on a Latin American topic of his or her choice. The paper must address in some way how the chosen issue relates (or does not relate) to themes discussed in class (We will discuss this requirement further in class.) A preliminary explanation of your topic and how you plan to address it (approximately half a page) must be turned into me in during Week 4.

Papers should contain academic references and a bibliography of at least 5-6 sources, including at least two scholarly books or articles. Each student will review and critique another student's paper so that the author may make revisions before handing the paper in to me. I will take the author's consideration of the critiques into account when computing the research paper grades. Please turn in the sheet with the reviewer's comments when you hand in your paper.

Papers will be graded on:

Please note: If you are having trouble with the paper, please make an appointment to discuss it with me. Assignments are to be turned in on the dates specified; late papers will be marked down one letter grade for every 24 hours they are late.