What color is a duck?
Valerie has two ducks - one from each Easter she's been around. They are both... you guessed it... yellow. She loves her ducks and sleeps with them at our house. Cuddly yellow ducks. She also has two yellow ducks for the bathtub. Every child must have a rubber ducky, I guess. I took her to the zoo. Favorite animal to watch .... the ducks. But, not a single one was yellow. They were brown, black, and white. Boy was she taken by surprise at first. The ducks swam, splashed themselves and flapped with stumpy wings. But they made no noise. However, just as we were watching the silent ducks, a group of about 12 preschool kids on an outing together lined up around the duck pond and all started 'quacking' at the ducks. All 12 kids yelling 'quack, quack, quack.' It was hilarious. Anyone who didn't know English would think that that was what children say when they see something interesting. Only later did a couple of the ducks finally give out a feeble 'quack'.
*ROFL = rolling on floor laughing
(a new cyberspeak term for ya, mom)
mcentellas, at 3:38 PM
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