Mom's Blog

Thursday, April 13, 2006

puzzle pieces

I've heard life explained as a tapestry in which all the different strands of color and texture blend to make a breathtaking piece of art. However, the back side is a stark contrast. It represents the jumble of threads that seem to twist into an uninteresting tangle.
I like to think of my life right now as one of those 1,000 piece puzzles. When I seem to be getting most of the pieces together someone bumps the table and it crashes to the floor. There has been Novali's birthday party. Such a delight to see her so grown up and happy in her Chicago world. There's been Miguel's intense time of writing and rewriting the dissertation and the wait on job possibilities and the fitting together of the pieces of his life. There's been the selling of the house. Cleaning, polishing and rushing out with hope the interested party will make us an offer. There was even the offer itself. Exactly what we had hoped for - full purchase price plus extra $$$$ for the purchase of a large part of our furniture. We were estatic until the phone range the next day to annouce that the couple had problems with their finances and had to withdraw the offer. There's been the up and downs of my health. I am awaiting the arrangement for pain blocks to be done again.
Somehow we keep picking up the pieces, discovering the joy of parts becoming clear again. MIguel had a wonderful job offer. Still other things for him to resolve, but that offer was an answer to prayer. We keep showing the house and waiting. We now have someone to live in our house in Bolivia until we are ready to travel which is a blessing.
Emotional tension impacts me in many ways and today I am pretty worn out. So I'm taking the rest of the day in bed - reading. I picked up a couple of interesting novels yesterday at the library.
Please continue to pray with us as we would like to sell the house soon. We believe God has a time and a purpose and so we do our part and will wait on Him. Sometimes it just seems the puzzle will never be done.


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