As the shadows deepen...
She's always been a woman of great faith and a testimony of God's grace. She holds up each family member in prayer each day and earnestly hopes for God's direction in each life. Her battle with glaucoma has been a long one, raging for more than 5 years since the first dreadful attack. Even with several operations and other procedures she has only been able to see very little wi th her left eye. The right is gone. Lately she has only seen hazy shadows or bits of sunlight. She has been told by her doctor that her eye sight will never improve and possibly worsen. We put drops in her eyes every morning and night with hopes of maintaining correct eye pressure, but this does not help her sight. Abuelita Centellas now is in almost total darkness and this saddens and discourages her. Its hard to understand why these things happen, but we all know they do and that the real winner is the one who can still lift head and heart in prayer.
After a whole life with site, its hard to lose something so many take for granted. But there are some people who will never go blind (or lose other things), but never haver have the support and love that our Abuelita has. She knows that she does not need her eyes to see the love that she has been blessed with, i hope that thought helps her, at least a little. Give her my love.
Raquel and girls, at 6:46 AM
Give her my love, too.
mcentellas, at 2:05 PM
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