Wisdom 101
It's been a while since i have read the book of Proverbs (just after Psalms in the Old Testament). A friend once told me I should read a chapter of it a day, since there are enough to read through the book every month. The chapters aren't particularly organized by themes or precepts, but if you want some solid advice for every kind of situation imaginable, check out Proverbs. It deals with wisdom and where to find it first of all. But it also has bits of wisdom that if only we would all put into practice the world would be a much better place. I won't try to copy out some of my favorites here, but there is enough solid advice here to match a masters in psychology, sociology, or interpersonal relationships of any kind.
A verse I have used so many times and have recommended to others is, "Trust in the LOrd with all your heart, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path." How often we think or act without really considering what God would have us do or think and then later, we wonder why things go wrong. Take a read, and see what I mean.
It's been fun to catch up on your life, Bev. Sounds like you've been fairly busy. I loved your remarks about Proverbs. So true. There is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in that wonderful book. Can you imagine what our society would be like if everyone applied Proverbs to their lives?
I now have a BLOG! It's just a baby right now, but I hope it will grow with time. Check it out! Let's keep in touch, Bev. You've always been such a dear friend. I will never forget our many, many giggles and fun times!
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Sharlene MacLaren, at 7:34 AM
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