Mom's Blog

Saturday, May 27, 2006


June 20, 1971. I was in college during the VietNam war and the turmoil that that and the 'hippy' movement created. Our generation wanted change. I guess I wasn't that much different. I was finishing my college career and wanted to do something more with my life than just settle down and start teaching. I felt that God had something more for my life and I was ready to step out following His lead. So, two weeks after having received my diploma from Spring Arbor College, I was off to Cochabamba, Bolivia to begin a two-year assignment with the Andes Evangelical Mission under the Christian Service Corps. It was time to begin a new chapter in my life. That chapter led me through a myriad of wonderful experiences building a family that means so much to me.
Now, as we approach June of 2006 I am again ready to turn the page to start a new chapter. I have just finished my teaching career, my children are grown, and now with Daniel we are again looking forward to starting life as part of the retired generation.
We've sold the house.
We are gradually emptying it off boxes and boxes of 'stuff'.
Sorting through our things has brought back so many memories, and I have come to realize that the memories themselves are more important than the 'things'.
We are spending these last weeks here in the U. S. with very mixed emotions, sometimes withtrepidation and yet knowing that every new step is taken under God's care. I'll miss my two granddaughters so very much, and yet I know that the moments we are sharing with them will be memories for them, loving memories.
People ask how I could leave my grandchildren. But I know we'll be back visiting and seeing them on important days. I also know that my own children only saw their Grandma and Grandpa Coates about once a year and yet loved them deeply and knew they were loved.
We've had Novali all this week. We've been able to devote our time to her (and Valerie) and are building those memories that will help them ( and us) carry that love in our hearts.
So we turn the pages, carefully, yet with the determination that at the end of the book, we can set it aside and say, "that was a good read" I'm glad I finished the book.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Day ruined.

Today has been such a lovely spring day. I thought all morning about how much I am enjoying this spring. There is an abundance of song birds, my flowers, especially the pansies that I planted early, have such dramatic hues, and our grass has come in so plush and soft. I was thinking how much I have enjoyed living in this house with my yard as a retreat. I'll miss it.
However, something has ruined my day.
We signed a purchase agreement last night- actually we have two possible buyers. One is a black family and are the primary purchasers. My neighbor has been watching people come and go as they look at the house. They got wind by the activity at our house that we had settled with a black family. What a phone call I received! I have never confronted such blatant irrational racism in my life. She was angry that we had written a purchase agreement with a black family. Not only did she call me, but she proceeded to call over the other neighbor and had a big powwow in our driveway. That's not even talking behind our backs - they were in our front yard!
The birds are still chirping, the freshly attired branches are waving softly and my blood pressure has risen about 20 points.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

March of the Penguins

Well, I finally saw it. When it first came out I thought," How interesting can this be, even though penguins are the cutest animals on earth?" But after I heard about the awards this documentary movie won and after trying to find something interesting on TV now that we don't have cable, I finally had Daniel go rent it. Fascinating!!!!! Anyone who thinks parenting is tough or is tired of the sleepless nights and fatiguing days children spring upon us, should watch this movie. I was so amazed and moved by the prcoess by which Penguins as a couple bring new life into the world and protect that innocent life with their own lives. Maybe if more parents were penguins..... If you haven't seen it it is well worth the movie rental. Just make some popcorn and snuggle up comfortably to watch and be inspired.

March of the Penguins

Well, I finally saw it. When it first came out I thought," How interesting can this be, even though penguins are the cutest animals on earth?" But after I heard about the awards this documentary movie won and after trying to find something interesting on TV now that we don't have cable, I finally had Daniel go rent it. Fascinating!!!!! Anyone who thinks parenting is tough or is tired of the sleepless nights and fatiguing days children spring upon us, should watch this movie. I was so amazed and moved by the prcoess by which Penguins as a couple bring new life into the world and protect that innocent life with their own lives. Maybe if more parents were penguins..... If you haven't seen it it is well worth the movie rental. Just make some popcorn and suggle up comfortably to watch and be inspired.