In Delaware
Well, yesterday we drove all day to Delaware with Andy in the stuffed car. The night before we drove in to Saginaw to say farewell to Kelly and family since Valerie was sick and couldn't come for her own birthday party (good ole Michigan flu). That was sad, but the positive on that is now she knows that when we leave, we will always return for great fun times together. I thought we'd never stuff everything into our suitcases since we had new gifts and packages to add. But we huffed and puffed, got nervous and pushed and repackaged. Then it was Daniel and Andy's turn to get it all to fit in the trunk and back seat and still have room for Andy. With a final cleaning and laundry we flung ourselves into bed for a short night's sleep since we had to be off early to get to Ann Arbor for a final brace fitting and then find a spot for that in the already stuffed car. We made it to Delaware at 10:30 last night,. So here I am at 1:30 Still in my PJ's wondering why I'm so tired. I have so many memories stored away to ponder during the months ahead that will keep me going until our next trip,. Family ice skating with the two little ones in tears at first then beaming with success, hockey game, cooking for my family, and most special for me, reading great stories to my granddaughters,. Daniel's gift to me was a digital voice recorder which allows me to read to threm and burn a CD to send,. Special moments alone with each one - doing dishes with Sam, driving and talking in the car with Andy, chatting on the phone with Kelly over future possibilities and dreams. I am so thankful for e-mail so that we can continue to stay in touch. Looking at events in new ways in a goal for me this year - to put a positive spin on events, Novali was the best exampole of that. She had collected a stone for her mom and was hunting for it in the car. When asked, "Did you lose your stone?" She replied, "No, I didn't lose it; I'm just looking for it'" May this new year be a positive one for all of us! Thanks to all of you for making this trip a dream come true!
Too bad there was no 'party' for Val but she really only cared about seeing you guys so it all worked out. Now i have the flu- or something that makes me feel like im dying. Everyone misses you already.
Raquel and girls, at 1:57 PM
I got the flu to... everyone in Albion had it this week!
I will miss you guys to! I just posted some photos, check em out.
Sam, at 9:50 PM
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