just send me some cheese to go with the wine.
I'll tell you now that this post is one big whine! So yes I need lots of cheese, but I can't eat much because of the stomach problems I am having and I can't drink wine either so.... just bear with me.....
I have been sitting here at the computer for 40 minutes and can't get into my email. I wait and wait and wait. I want to search out a couple of things, but at this rate I'll fall asleep waiting. There are messages I want to answer and friends I want to chat with online.
I am sweating...... it has been over 90% humidity, some days 98% which I thought was impossible. If it isn't raining, I am sweating so much I feel like I just came out of a sauna. Thanks to the effects of El Nino, Bolivia is suffering a horrible rainy season.
But I should be thankful, I have been able to talk to several family members by phone recently.
Even got to talk to Kelly after about 4 attempts that kept getting cut off. We finally got a clear connection and enjoyed Valerie singing the ABC song. It is so good to be in contact with friends and family and I guess I miss that a lot.
I am also thankful that we have not had to evacuate our home as sooo many in Santa Cruz have had to do due to rivers overflowing and whole areas flooding.
WE are just fighting the damp, the mold and contstant humidity. Things just get moldy here becasue of the high humidity. It's unbelievable. I am thankful that Daniel bought me a clothes dryer for my birthday. And I am having some lightweight cotten tops made to replace the thick tshirts I broght for daily wear.
The ants.....they have no place to go in this rainy season. So we are also fighting them constantly. They are so persistent. They don't give up! We rid them of one shelter and they tunnel into something else.
Yet, I know that each person who reads this, if anyone does, has problems of his/her own and that in many parts of the world people have greater problems than mine. Why my home hasn't blown away in a tornado or been totally flooded out , I don't know. But God is sovereign and He has a plan for this world. With all of the turmoil and distress worldwide we can hope in Jesus's words: Come unto me all who are burdened and heavyladed and I will give you rest."
So, goodnight. Thanks for listening.
Sorry about the bad weather! Here it is FREEZING, one extreme to the other. Good job to dad on that dryer. Well i hope i can write more e mail s soon.
Raquel and girls, at 12:13 PM
Yeah... it was like 25 below this weekend in Chicago with the wind chill... nothing is perfect and we just have to enjoy where we are with who we are with.
Sam, at 3:08 PM
Si, es terrible... Veronica tambien pelea con las hormigas todo el tiempo, incluso hemos comprado otros plasticos pero aun asi ellas encuentran la manera de entrar.
Con tanta lluvia tengo amigos que viven en la urbanizacion nueva esperanza, y el dueno de todo eso que esta en peligro de ser llevado por el rio son los Hurtado, se acuerda de Hogier Hurtado?? bien sus hijos lo administran y Raul Hurtado va a mi iglesia asi que hay varios hnos que viven alli... y han tenido que dejar sus casas otros estan orando mucho y tambien estan siendo apoyados en oracion.
Si alguna vez se anima, el papa de veronica saca queso de su lecheria, a mi me encanta el queso y el que hacen alli es buenisimo!!
Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
Don't worry, I'd be doing a lot worse that whining. Hope conditions improve!
*Heather*, at 7:24 AM
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