It is hot!
Daniel and I laugh that when both Sam and Andy were here visiting us it wasn't too hot, and at least it didn't seem to them very bothersome. It has been pretty hotand we're not just old farts complaining... Temps have been 33 - 35 degress. I'll let you figure out the math, using that formula you learned in 8th grade. In Michigan I know it's always cold when you would wish for warmth as I'm sure many of you are doing right now. It's always hard to believe that winter can drag on for so long in that northern part of the country. But the last few days it has been unbearably hot again when it should be cooling down for winter. We've taken to carrying a little cooler of cold and frozen water in the car. Thanks to Andre's and Salmoueh's urging we are drinking very little pop now. But I'm constantly boiling water as I question how safe the drinking water is here, especially when on certain days you open the faucette and the water that streams out is definitely a different color.
NExt week our plans are to look into health insurance here, get new Yellow Fever shots, and try to get Daniel's birth record straightened out. According to the new computerized system here, there are records of his marriage, but not his birth. So paper work again. The immigration departmentn is also insisting on seeing my teaching certificate even though we have declared that I am retired and am not nor do I intend to work. Life is always interesting here! We often wonder how people who DO work have the time to do all the paperwork and time-consuming banking, paying bills that are done here all in person rather than on-line! Going to the bank can take up to 2 hours. We live and learn and I'm glad we are able to laught and smile in spite of the ups and downs. I'm most thankful here for Daniel's family who stand by to help!
35C would be 120F... no way it got 120! With that himidy... I'll believe the heat when I see it, rrr, feel it. maybe on my next trip.
Sam, at 9:59 PM
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