
Potential draft?

Someone asked after class today about the website congress.org, because of some information on it. Keep in mind that official government websites all end in .gov (or .mil). The congress.org website is an activist website, which means exactly what that means.

If you want information on the US government, you can visit:
www.house.gov -- House of Representatives
www.senate.gov -- Senate
www.whitehouse.gov -- White House
www.supremecourtus.gov -- Supreme Court

The question involved potential legislation to reinstate the draft, a topic brought up by CBS recently. Although both the White House & Selective Service deny gearing up for a draft, such legislation does, indeed, exist. HR 163 is the House version; S 89 is the Senate version. Both were introduced in January 2003, by Democrats, but neither has received attention in the Republican-dominated legislature.

Also, I want to commend everyone on their open, frank, and civil discussion in class today. You should be proud of yourselves.


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