
Quiz 2 Answers

I'll hand back the quizes on Thursday, all graded for you. But here are the correct answers, if you're dying to know.

  1. Q: Which of these is NOT an IGO?

    A: A, the International Red Cross (it's an NGO).

  2. Q: Which of these is NOT currently a member of the European Union?

    A: B, Norway.

  3. Q: What is considered a key moment in the formation of the NATION-STATE?

    A: C, the French Revolution (France is often considered the "first" true nation-state).

  4. Q: Give a brief definition of the STATE as used in political science.

    A: Something similar to Max Weber's classic definition: "That organization which has a legitimate monopoly over the means of coersion in a specific territory."

  5. Q: Briefly explain why NATIONALISM has often been associated with DEMOCRACY.

    A: Nationalism was born of the idea that nations of people should enjoy self-determination, that is, self-governmet. This coincided with early historical democratic movements, especially those following the French Revolution. (Of course, nationalism isn't always associated w/ democracy; it can be quite nasy & undemocratic.)

I've you've questions about any of these, comment on this post.


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